Friday, March 11, 2011

Antispam appliance

Antispam appliance

This site was created after making my own decision on which Antispamappliance that one of our customers bought. The result was taken after extensive tests etc. We hope that you will find the information that you need to make a good decision on which antispamappliance to buy.


So what is an appliance machine.
An Appliance is a machine that is built to handle a specific task.
There are all sort of Appliances.
We have Mailserver, Antivirus, Firewall, VPN, Backup aswell as Antispam appliances. These are all machines (standard of customfitted) installed with one objective inmind, namely to help the administrator to handle either mail, antivirus, firewall, VPN, Backup or Antispam problems without forcing the administrator to install their own machines or programs.

Behavior of Appliances

An appliance might act as a transparent server or in normal mode.


All antispam programs that is needed to run an almost spamfree environment should be included in the antispam-appliance.

There are a couple of items that should be taken into consideration when acquiring an antispam appliance.
We will give you information about different antispamappliances, which will help you in your tough decision.

An antispamappliance is a great way of getting rid of those pesky spam mails.
You wont need to make any installations, maintain any software. Everything is taken care of by the antispam appliance.

Here are some of the items that you should check before taking a decision.
  • Price of appliance
  • Support. If you have a appliance machine, then you would proberbly want support. S check to see to what extent the organisaton where you buy the antispam appliance can fullfill your need for support.
  • Trackrecord for the company developing the antispamappliance. Financialstability, trustworthness.
  • Performance. How much throughput do you need.
  • What kind of redundancy or backup do you need.

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